Saturday, July 29, 2006

What I wrote on Tony Blair's site 27.7.06

Sir. I know you care. I know you're working hard on this. But at what point will you consider pulling out of the Triad in order to end Israeli war crimes?
Israel, my country, is an occupying, colonial power and the system is now worse than apartheid (I lived there for years and here for 25 yrs).

Friends do not let friends drive drunk; the juvenile delinquent funerals are only beginning. We need tough love not appeasement. We desperately need saving from ourselves, and forcing back to the negotiation table. We are too high up trees to get there alone. Please save us -- you know talking is inevitable, and super urgent before the region is aflame and more good human beings die savagely. You (maybe Ted Kennedy and Wolfensohn, too) are amongst the few who have the position to impose it. Before we all go out with a bang. Or whimper. Save us from Bush. Save us from our military's win-lose idiocy. Save us from militarism's curse. Escalation, fascism, racism & slaughter.