Thursday, July 27, 2006

From Every Mountainside, Let Freedom Ring!!

Monday, 24th July 2006

Is it only coincidence that last month I was in Birmingham Alabama (at the Presbyterian General Assembly, where the Presbyterians voted to keep on with the whole selective divestment issue from industries which support the Occupation). We went to the Civil Rights Institute where Martin Luther King's message had us in tears, yet again.... "From every mountainside, let freedom ring!" Is it only coincidence that I hadn't had time until today to go through my photos of that trip?

I came across them when looking for a photo of Saturday's anti war demonstration. Lebanon, I dedicate that visit and these photos to you. So that any Americans who come across this site - Jews, Christians, Moslems or others, should remember what their moral compasses should be.

And here is Saturday's demonstration. The third major one we've held, but the first to hit over the 1,000 mark. Here you see Uri Avnery of Gush Shalom and a past member of Knesset, together with Israeli-Palestinian members Jamal Zahalke and Mohammed Barakeh.

We're demonstrating tonight in front of the hotel where Condoleezza Rice will be having dinner with our Foreign Minister. We have daily vigils too now, in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. You may not see it on the News, but we are trying to be heard. We have written letters and notices to Ms. Rice, demanding she work to stop this madness and if she hasn't come here to do so, then she should go home...

Posted by Angela Jerusalem to Peace in our Time? at 7/24/2006 05:08:00 AM